[RevComm] MiiTel, a voice-analyzed AI phone that improves corporate productivity

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RevComm Inc. is a company that solves communication issues through voice technology and AI, based on the philosophy of "reinventing communication and creating a society where people care about each other. The company develops and provides "MiiTel," a voice analysis AI phone, and "MiiTel for Zoom," an online interview tool.

MiiTel" is a Japan's first voice analysis AI phone service that analyzes the content of telephone sales and contact center conversations and provides highly accurate feedback to improve the acquisition and closing rate of business negotiations. MiiTel" eliminates the black box problem of not knowing "what" and "how" the customer and the person in charge are talking, and its automatic transcription function reduces the need for taking analog minutes.
MiiTel for Zoom (Beta)" is a new service under the "MiiTel" brand that enables visualization and internal sharing of Zoom meetings through AI-based transcription and talk analysis functions, thereby improving the productivity of online meetings. By linking "MiiTel" and Zoom, phone calls and online meetings can be centrally managed and stocked as internal assets.
MiiTel" and "MiiTel for Zoom" will allow sales representatives to spend more time on "creative work that only people can do. In addition, the real voice data accumulated by "MiiTel" and "MiiTel for Zoom" can be used for a wide range of purposes such as in-house training, service development, and functional improvement, thereby supporting corporate business growth.

Since the launch of MiiTel in 2018, Revcom has been used by 1,100 companies and more than 27,500 users in all industries, including banking, IT, and large corporations, with approximately 80 million calls made. Revcom is currently expanding its business in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries.
MiiTel Web site (Japanese): https: //miitel.revcomm.co.jp/
MiiTel Web site (Indonesian): https: //miitel.revcomm.com/

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