Visit to ASEAN Human Resource Recruitment Company Visit to Takatomo Textile Co.

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Takatomo Textile Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of major fashion brands in China,
The company is also actively recruiting local human resources.

While overseas business trips are restricted due to the Corona disaster, the company is using remote video conferencing to promote its corporate philosophy of "contributing to the happiness of employees, the prosperity of the company, and the development of society.
Contribute to the happiness of employees, the prosperity of the company, and the development of society.
With this in mind, they are working hard to improve production efficiency and product quality in cooperation with local offices and factories on a daily basis.

Takatomo Textile Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of major fashion brands in China,
The company is also actively recruiting local human resources.

While overseas business trips are restricted due to the Corona disaster, the company is using remote video conferencing to promote its corporate philosophy of "contributing to the happiness of employees, the prosperity of the company, and the development of society.
Contribute to the happiness of employees, the prosperity of the company, and the development of society.
With this in mind, they are working hard to improve production efficiency and product quality in cooperation with local offices and factories on a daily basis.

With Mr. DENI's help, we have been able to smoothly develop the remote and videoconferencing environments and internal systems, and we will continue to make efforts to improve production efficiency and product quality.
He is expected to play an active role as a leader of the System Information Section of the Administration Department.
His future dream is to start up a company with his father in his home country.

She is determined to acquire the know-how to achieve this goal at Takayu Textile Co.
We are looking forward to his future activities and realization of his dream.
Anyway, Ms. Deni is a really bright person! Deni is from Indonesia and is really bright.
I think you can feel her brightness from the picture, can't you?
Deni was smiling at us from a distance from our booth at the joint information session.
He was so impressive that we hired him for an internship starting last November. I am convinced of that.

Deni-san was interested in Japan and had been studying Japanese language.
And his interest in Japanese anime such as "One Piece" and "Naruto" led him to come to Japan.
He came to Japan because of his interest in Japanese anime such as "One Piece" and "Naruto".

Japanese anime is amazing! I feel again that Japanese anime is amazing.
After all, it connects Japan with the rest of the world.
It is easier to deepen communication when there is a common topic,
If you are a prospective employer, you can shorten the distance between you by finding a common topic of conversation.
What I feel through the interviews is the use of internships.
Whether it is for a few days or a few months, the presence or absence of an internship will have an impact later on.
The reason is simple. The main reason is to understand the personality of the person.

There seems to be an image that foreigners are difficult to deal with, but when you get to know them, you will find that they are "cute" and "nice.
However, many people say that they become "cute" when you get to know them.
It is difficult to say in words that they become cute....
That's why I want you to feel it directly at your internship or part-time job.

Ms. Deni is not only dealing with overseas,
She has always had knowledge of PC environment and is in charge of in-house systems.
Not only that, she is a cheerful and positive influence in the team.
Deni is very proactive in talking with us, asking for our opinions and questions.
It seems that many foreigners become mood makers in other companies as well.
Takatomo Textile Co., Ltd. has a Chinese employee who handles the communication with Hong Kong from Japan.
The company also has a Chinese staff member who handles the communication with Hong Kong from within Japan.
The right person in the right place at the right time.

Many companies that are thinking of hiring are often asked, "What about foreigners? What about foreigners?
Why don't you start by participating in social events and internships?

Click here to read the report.
Production: Hideo Nishino, Human Resource Coordination Division, NIKAYA Inc.
Editing: Kanako Kamibori, Ehle institute
Incorporated company: Yale Academy
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