[Online Exchange Meeting between Japanese Language Education Institutions in Nepal and Japanese Companies/Organizations

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Japanese language education institutions and companies in Nepal will join us for an exchange event.
This year's event will include a panel discussion by Nepal-related companies on "Utilization of Nepalese Human Resources" and Japanese speeches by Nepalese students.
There will also be Japanese speeches by Nepalese students.

For those who are interested in Nepal or already doing business with Nepal
companies who are planning to utilize Nepalese human resources, etc., anyone who is interested in Nepal
If you are interested in Nepal, or if you are already doing business with Nepalese companies, or if you are a company planning to utilize Nepalese human resources, please join us.

Online exchange meeting between Japanese language education institutions in Nepal and Japanese companies and organizations in Japan.

[Date & Time]: February 14, 2023 (Tuesday) 16:00 - Reception desk opens 16:30 - Concert begins 19:00
[Place]: Online (using ZOOM)

[Cost]: Free of charge

[Application]: https: //forms.gle/EM8pnr7hZQmuKznG8

Japanese language education institutions and companies in Nepal will participate in this event.
This year's event will include a panel discussion by Nepal-related companies on "Utilization of Nepalese Human Resources" and Japanese speeches by Nepalese students.
We are looking forward to seeing you at this event.

For those who are interested in Nepal or already doing business with Nepal
companies who are planning to utilize Nepalese human resources, etc., anyone who is interested in Nepal
If you are interested in Nepal, or if you are already doing business with Nepalese companies, or if you are a company planning to utilize Nepalese human resources, please join us.

[Sponsored by: Ehle institute, Kyodai Remittance Group
[Co-sponsored by]: Kansai Economic Federation
Kansai Economic Federation Asian Business Creation Platform HR Development/Utilization
Consortium for Supporting International Students Osaka
Clubhouse Global Republic
[Support]: (tentative)
OSAKA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Osaka Headquarters, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Osaka Industrial Development Bureau

If you are interested, please apply using the application form ( https://forms.gle/EM8pnr7hZQmuKznG8 ).
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