[Introduction of Medical Care Subcommittee Members] KYOSHIN Co., Ltd.

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Online interview sessions were held in China and Myanmar!

KYOSHIN Co., Ltd. provides Japanese language and nursing care training for nursing trainees in Myanmar and China prior to their arrival in Japan.

Online interview sessions for two hospitals accepting Myanmar nationals and one hospital accepting Chinese nationals were held at the Corona Disaster on January 18, 25, and 26!
KYOSHIN Co., Ltd. participated as an observer from the standpoint of being entrusted by the host facility to provide education to the technical intern trainees.
The candidates were nervous at first, but as the interviews progressed, their expressions softened and they were able to relax, and a total of 6 candidates received job offers.

From now on, until the candidates arrive in Japan, we will not only improve their Japanese language skills up to the N3 level, but also develop human resources with a sense of purpose and the ability to play an active role by utilizing the three methods (practical communication education, care philosophy education, and practical program guidance for dreams and realization) that are important in KYOSHIN Co., Ltd.'s education.
What are KYOSHIN Co., Ltd.'s three educational methods?
In the Practical Communication Education program, students learn not only Japanese language skills up to the N3 level, but also the Japanese language skills necessary for communication in the workplace.
In the nursing care philosophy education, participants learn concepts that are unfamiliar to them in their home countries, as well as the ethics and philosophy of nursing care based on the principle of human dignity.
In the "Reaching Program", KYOSHIN Co., Ltd.'s original method, students clarify their goals and aspirations, and become aware that the technical internship is a process to realize their dreams for the future.

If you are interested in recruiting foreign caregivers and nurses or would like to discuss this with us,
Please feel free to contact us at the following address.
HP: https://www.kyoshin.co.jp/human/
Email: kokusai@kyoshin.co.jp
TEL: 075-342-5075
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